I once asked my mother why she believed what she believes (she was born into it as well). She was silent for a long time, so I asked it again. She finally stated it was because it's what she is told she should do....OK! So that is a good reason to commit your life to something, it's a good reason to barricade your heart and eyes from the truth....I wanted to shake her around shout at her to wake up. But it would do no good....the claws are in too deep.
JoinedPosts by I<3MYGod
jehovahs witnesses giving a "bad witness "
by looloo ini was talking to a workmate yesterday about my jw experiance and my daughters abuse , she told me that she works as a counsellor and had been discussing jws with a colleage , this person had given counselling to a jw woman who was a victim of domestic violence by her jw husband , the elders had done nothing to help the woman and simply told her to stop moaning about it !
the counseller was disgusted that in this day and age women are still treated like that !
the jw lady eventually left her husband , took the children with her and got disfellowshipped !!!!
I am pretty new myself.
HI!! and welcome :)
jehovahs witnesses giving a "bad witness "
by looloo ini was talking to a workmate yesterday about my jw experiance and my daughters abuse , she told me that she works as a counsellor and had been discussing jws with a colleage , this person had given counselling to a jw woman who was a victim of domestic violence by her jw husband , the elders had done nothing to help the woman and simply told her to stop moaning about it !
the counseller was disgusted that in this day and age women are still treated like that !
the jw lady eventually left her husband , took the children with her and got disfellowshipped !!!!
Thanks Sab,
I did struggle with my spirituality for a good while, then one day it all broke down and I saw the truth, the real truth and not a cult induced truth.
I now go to an amazing church, filled with loving and caring people. I finally feel at home. I pray. I worship. I really do love God now, it's not something that I am forced to pretend to enjoy any more. It's real and it's heart felt. I am so thankful to be on this path and I am so thankful to finally have a true relationship with God and not a pretend fling with a religion. :D
jehovahs witnesses giving a "bad witness "
by looloo ini was talking to a workmate yesterday about my jw experiance and my daughters abuse , she told me that she works as a counsellor and had been discussing jws with a colleage , this person had given counselling to a jw woman who was a victim of domestic violence by her jw husband , the elders had done nothing to help the woman and simply told her to stop moaning about it !
the counseller was disgusted that in this day and age women are still treated like that !
the jw lady eventually left her husband , took the children with her and got disfellowshipped !!!!
But it's all in the name of Jehovah....so it's OK. *gag*
What % of current JWs sincerely believe Armageddon will come within the next 30 years?
by jj123jj123 injust to give you a little background about myself, i was a born-in, i'm in my late 20's now, i faded away a few years ago after researching the history of the wtbs on the internet.
my fade was aided by moving away with my job(i definately feel lucky about that).
eventually, i had discussions with a couple of my closer jw friends about why i no longer believed in the wtbs.
OK!! Hold up - I am out of the loop (my mom doesn't much talk to me about witness crap any more...as I have blown her out of the water one too many times) book studies are no longer being held?? WTH?!? I thought that jay dubs needed all that bible learning to keep their heads in the game so that they aren't out there doing all the bad stuff with the worldy folk....
Weak JW Commits Suicide, Elders Reluctantly Have a Memorial at the Kingdom Hall
by OnTheWayOut inso my mother calls me on thanksgiving thursday and tells me about a fellow in her kh that i knew quite well.
he grew a beard years ago and stopped field recruiting, but kept going to the kh several times a month as his wife was still active.
the elders never really tried to show concern for his depression, but always bugged him about the beard.
Sad indeed. May he RIP and I hope that his wife wakes up and realizes what kind of people (and religion) she has surrounded herself with.
It's corporation like any other, the only ones they care about are the ones bringing in the sheep and thus helping to pad their pockets.
jehovahs witnesses giving a "bad witness "
by looloo ini was talking to a workmate yesterday about my jw experiance and my daughters abuse , she told me that she works as a counsellor and had been discussing jws with a colleage , this person had given counselling to a jw woman who was a victim of domestic violence by her jw husband , the elders had done nothing to help the woman and simply told her to stop moaning about it !
the counseller was disgusted that in this day and age women are still treated like that !
the jw lady eventually left her husband , took the children with her and got disfellowshipped !!!!
Wow - where to begin??
I was born into this religion, I was never given a choice, I was never allowed to voice my own opinion.
One day I decided to really open my eyes at the total and complete hypocrisy that spewed forth from everyone that I knew. It was all so fake. All every did was gossip about Sister So and So and Brother What's His Name. Elders did as they pleased, if their family members were the ones doing wrong they covered it up or moved to a new congregation. Elders and MS's children were the worst bunch of all...sneaking out, drinking, sex, you name it they were doing it. How in the world can those men look out for the "flock" when they can't even take care of their families. There were couples that would swing (and yes...that kind of 'swing') with other couples....they got a slap on the wrist and then went right back to what they were doing. The whole time, they are at the meetings, they are out in service, they are giving their talks, they are answering...they are living a lie. But they sure did look pretty while doing.
Thankfully I have found my path and I have chosen a different life. I love God and I am no longer ashamed of that.
What % of current JWs sincerely believe Armageddon will come within the next 30 years?
by jj123jj123 injust to give you a little background about myself, i was a born-in, i'm in my late 20's now, i faded away a few years ago after researching the history of the wtbs on the internet.
my fade was aided by moving away with my job(i definately feel lucky about that).
eventually, i had discussions with a couple of my closer jw friends about why i no longer believed in the wtbs.
I am not a current, I was in the "truth" for 25yrs. I have been DF'ed now for going on 9yrs.
Armageddon has been "about to happen" my whole life. My sister was never supposed to start kindergarten. She is now going on 35.
My parents aren't worried about their debt (they are current JWs) because the end is near and it will all be gone any way.
I need Help.............
by rollercoaster inokay hi.
i'm new here and i kinda like it but i do have some question have any of you grown up in the truth and then some were along the line stop going to meeting well i did i found out about some stuff the organization was doing and it really disapointed me and also the congregations i have been in haven't been very confornting so if any of you have some you want to talk about or you have been through the same i would really like to hear from you .
I also grew up in the "truth" - I have recently found my truth and I thank God for it every day.
I recommend that you research, study, probe and research some more. Visit other churches, see what else is out there.
A religion shouldn't control every single aspect of your life.
A true relationship with God has nothing to do with religion.
Good luck on your journey, I hope that you are able to find what I have found. :)
R U disfellowshipped 2
by DFshipped inhi people.
i am a df'd person hoping to return to the fold.
i am not critical of the decision to df me nor of the loving organization i believe to be in the palm of jesus hand.. i would find it most encouraging to hear from others who feel the same and would like to "hold hands" on the way back.. this board is hailed as a supportive respectful place so if you do not fit this description may i ask you to move on and not hinder the participants here in following their god given right to pursue their goal.
I am DF'ed and so grateful for it. It's been about 8-9yrs since it happened. It was wrong the way it was done. The elders threatened me repeatedly and then held the meeting without me and decided upon themselves to make the decision to DF me and so it was done and my life has forever changed for the better. I really should look them up and send them a Thank You card. :)
Since then I have married a wonderful man, had a total change of heart and found an amazing church. I was recently baptized for REAL and I was not pushed into it, I was not harassed by family or "friends" to do it. I actually feel loved and welcome and needed by the people that I am surrounded with. I look forward to any and every chance that I have to be at worship and the service. I can't say that there was ever a time that I wanted to be at a KH or an assembly. Now I pray daily. I actually love God now and I see all that he does for me. I was forced to pretend that I loved God. What a sad 25 yrs that was, I was missing out on the greatest relationship on my life.
I never want to return to a place that shuns people when they make a mistake, even if it is "to keep the flock clean" - How is taking away any and all encouragement or help a good thing? If your child falls down and makes a mistake, do you shoe them away afraid that you might also make the same mistake or do you help pick them up and hold them tight to you and show them unconditional love and help them back onto the right path?? I have seen the hypocrisy that surrounds JW and the religion and I want nothing ever to do with it again.